Arthur and Mary Cummiskey and family came from County Monaghan, Ireland...
at some point in time around 1830. For some reason, Arthur decided
to change his name to Richard after arriving in the United States. According to
a well known genealogist, Theo McMahon of Monaghan, Ireland, Richard was not a
common name in Ireland at this time especially among Catholics. Mr McMahon has
copies of documents listing Arthur Cumiskey, including the
"Tithe Applotment Book
of 1829". (Note: Cummiskey was spelled differently depending on
who was the record keeper; it was also spelled Comeskey in some of the records.)
This document shows an Arthur and Patrick Cumiskey of Cumry, parish of
Aughnamullen, as tenants of 5 acres of land. There also was a Patrick Cumiskey
Jr. listed with 10 acres of land. It is difficult to determine the actual relationship of
these three at the present time, but they all left County Monaghan within a few years of each other. In
addition, I have visited this area, and it is a simple crossroads village.
Certainly they were all very closely related. More than likely, Patrick and
Arthur were brothers. The fact that both Patrick and Arthur are listed on the
same 5 acre plot shows how difficult it was to pay the rent on their land.
To learn more about the lifestyle of this area, before the Cummiskey's left
Ireland, click here. Flax Farmers
The Cummiskey's were engaged in the production of flax. Not a bunch of potato
farmers you might ask? These were pre-famine times. The Catholics in Ireland
were being severely persecuted at this point in history. The Protestant majority
owned most of the land and kept increasing rents on land parcels. This made it
increasingly unbearable for the common land tenants to make any profit. The
production of flax was hard work, but everybody in the entire family could help.
There was a ready market for the linen that they produced, which gave them
enough income to save up and move to America.
I have confirmed that Arthur is buried in St. Basil's cemetery in Dushore, PA
next to Mary Cummiskey. Arthur's stone shows his birth in 1783 and his death in
1859. Mary's stone shows her birth in 1792 and her death in 1876. The
inscription on Arthur's stone is very weathered and difficult to read. However,
I was able to make out most of the writing. Mary's stone is in much better
condition. There is also another old Cummiskey headstone next to these that belongs to the infant son of Richard Cummiskey, Arthur and Mary's oldest son.
The following is what I believe that the stones read:
Arthur's stone |
Mary's stone |
Peter's stone |
This is erected to the memory of |
Peter S. |
Wife of |
Son of |
by his four sons J & R & P & J., |
Arthur Cummiskey |
Richard & Catherine |
A native of Ireland, Co. |
A native of |
May 23, 1863 |
Monaghan, Parish of |
Parish Aughnamullen |
Aged 6 yrs. |
Aughnamullen |
Co. Monaghan |
Who departed this life |
Ireland |
June 29, 1859 |
Died Dec. 5, 1876 |
Aged 76 years |
Aged 84 years |
May his soul rest in peace |
May her soul rest in peace, |
Amen |
Amen |
According to
Settlers XXVI: John Kinsley's Irish Settlement: 1830-1986, "Richard and Mary
Cummiskey came to the United States from County Aughamullen, Monaghan, Ireland
in 1828."
The four son's of Arthur and Mary whose initials are listed on Arthur's headstone were:
John (1808-1883) |
Richard C. (1817-1894) |
Patrick (1819-1887) |
& James (1821-?) |